Luchiano Legendario (24 años)
Ohhh, Mademoiselle Dalida (Iolanda Christina Gigliotti).. You know, she is very special to me, I had and have so many strange experiences with her, even if she is not on Earth, her soul IS with us all, I feel her presence.. just as an angel :) I first discovered Dalida thanks to some old friend who's not longer with me, we saw "Il Venait D'avoir 18 Ans" video and I was like O_o whoa, who's this woman !!? Since that day, I started to research her career, not just as a singer but as actress and music hall artist. We both have a lot in common, we are strong, we love life, we love ppl, but we've never meet love though.. Anyway, she had a very special voice, she knew how to talk in 9 different languages !! in fact, she sang in french, italian, english, spanish, german, egyptian, arabic, japanese.. just to name a few, and with original accents !! :) A few months ago, I was alone, at home.. it was around 02:00am, I was a bit sad so, I raised my gaze to open sky and said "If you are There please, give me a sign.." you know ? a big falling star appeared in the middle of the blue sky and that made me smile, because I felt she was There. So, what else can I say !? Dalida fans are so kind, just as a big family, we are different ppl.. we never fight for photos, songs nor rare info, we share ;) She is a special woman, today, 26 years after her "trip" Dalida is more alive than ever... she never left us, she never will.. I love you, Mademoiselle Juke-Box.. thanks for everything. L ~
Luchiano Legendario (23 años) Buenos Aires
Muchas gracias Dalida por todo lo que has hecho por nosotros. En tus canciones hay letras de esperanza, de amor y de melancolia. Con tu sencillez supiste ganar un espacio en el corazón de tus fans y aquellos que no te conocieron en vida ( como yo ) lo hemos hecho luego de que te fuiste y te Amamos. Muchas veces, cuando leo tu historia o escucho tus canciones, puedo descubrir que detrás de esa Femme Fatale había un ser muy frágil, alguien que necesitaba amar y ser amada, alguien quizás que no fué entendida de la forma en la que esperaba... Jamás serás olvidada, eso es un hecho. La gente alrededor del mundo te reconoce en todas tus canciones, tu estílo fué y es único, nadie ha logrado ( o intentado ) imitarte porque saben que no podrían hacerlo. Es gracioso porque estoy escribiendo como si Dalida fuese a leér lo que escribo... pero al menos de esta forma puedo compartir lo que siento por ella con muchas personas. Gracias nuevamente ! Estarás en nuestros corazones por siempre.