Sehzad Sooklall (20 years) Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Hello, Congratulations For This wonderdul website depicting the life and achievements of the Eternal Legend. I am a Student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. I discovered Dalida since I was very young, when I heard my parents listening to her. Indeed my mum and Dad live in the Beautiful City of Paris. I think Mr. Orlando, the Brother of Dalida is just doing a great job by promoting her sister's work, thus giving us the impression that Dalida is still here. I love all her songs from Bambino to less known ones, as Bravo or Fini, La Comedie. I have an extensive collection of her CD's. This morning I woke up and I don't why I remembered the song: "Pour Ne Pas Vivre Seule", as if Dalida whispered it to me in my dreams. I sang that all day. That's why I came to look for her on the web. And I found this great presentation, really this a wonderful site. Please Keep on with the good Job. Wishing you the Best of Luck. Thank you for keeping Dalida Eternal for the next generation. As for me, she will always be present throughout my life. Most Sincerely, Sehzad