Malloggi Frederic (36 years) Miami
bonjour a vous,je suis francais,apres avoir vecu 6 ans en Afrique et maintenant en Floride,je ne peux voyager sans les cd's de Dalida,ils m'apportent reconfort et joie de vivre.Mon reve a toujours ete de renconter mon idole,faute de cela ces cd,s sont un peu,une partie d'elle,dernierement,dans un club a miami,j'ai assiste a un spectacle ou l'on imitait,Celine Dion,Cher,et a ma plus grande surprise Dalida,ce n'etait pas perfait, mais de voir qu'elle faisait partie du recital de ces artistes,ma fait un pincement au coeur."Dalida For Ever"il n'y a aucun doute. Merci,pour ce site,et pour ces fabuleuses compilations.Continuez a nous faire vivre de telles emotions.A tres bientot Frederic.
Bob Bethia (29 years) Azusa - Califorina
In May of 1997, I traveled to Paris, and while shopping in a local receord store, I heard the beautiful vocie of Dalida. She just reached in and touched my heart. I just to get to purchase one of her CD's, since then, I have every CD (over 20) and I an now collecting her old albums, 45's and magazines appearances. She has cast her magic spell on me. Dalida was a true artist, she felt what she sang and always gives of herself to her fans. She truly is a legend, gone but certainly not forgotten. Her music will live forever, as it is timeless. Every time I play a Dalida song, it can make me happy, sad, sing along or just feel like dancing. Thank you Dalida for all the joy you've given me and the world.